Caring Hands strives to empower unemployed youth and women to fulfill their right to meaningful work and livelihoods.
There is high unemployment in Uganda among the youth (64%). The Caring Hands Strategic Plan 2017–2020 aims at contributing to a better livelihood for young adults, especially women (18 – 30 year olds) in our community. The activities in achieving this goal is to train in entrepreneurship skills and to create access to capital.
The Economic Livelihood Program offers a four–month entrepreneurship training for 100 vulnerable young adults annually. The target is 18–30 year olds living in poverty, women, slum dwellers, single parents, people living with HIV, people living with disabilities, the educated unemployed, and school dropouts.
The training includes: business planning, how to start small businesses, savings groups, promoting access to funding for small businesses, acquiring skills through apprenticeship as well as start-up kits. Caring Hand’s staff monitors the performance of started businesses by beneficiaries and gives technical support.
Caring Hands is committed to contribute to the development of our community. We focus on improving the well–being of the most vulnerable members by empowering them through training. This gives them the opportunity of independence.